Source code for karld.tests.test_conversion_operators

from operator import itemgetter

import unittest
from ..conversion_operators import apply_conversion_map
from ..conversion_operators import apply_conversion_map_map
from ..conversion_operators import get_number_as_int
from ..conversion_operators import join_stripped_values
from ..conversion_operators import join_stripped_gotten_value

[docs]class TestValueJoiner(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def test_join_stripped_values(self): """ Ensure joiner gets the values from data with the getter, coerce to str, strips padding whitespace and join with the separator. """ getter = itemgetter(0, 1, 2, 3) data = (" A", "B ", 2, "D") separator = "+" self.assertEqual(join_stripped_values(separator, getter, data), "A+B+2+D")
[docs]class TestGettersValueJoiner(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def test_join_stripped_gotten_value(self): """ Ensure joiner gets the values from data with the getters, coerce to str, strips padding whitespace and join with the separator. """ getters = (itemgetter(0), itemgetter(1), itemgetter(2), itemgetter(3)) data = (" A", "B ", 2, "D") separator = "+" self.assertEqual(join_stripped_gotten_value(separator, getters, data), "A+B+2+D")
[docs]class TestConversion(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def test_get_number_as_int(self): """ Ensure a string with a number prefix returns an int. """ self.assertEqual(2, get_number_as_int('2sdfgsd'))
[docs] def test_must_int(self): """ Ensure a string not castable to a number raises a ValueError """ self.assertRaises(ValueError, get_number_as_int, 'sdfgsd')
[docs] def test_apply_conversion_map(self): """ Ensure all the items in the conversion_map is applied. """ conversion_map = [ ('first', itemgetter(1)), ('last', itemgetter(0)), ] result = apply_conversion_map(conversion_map, ['bruce', 'lara']) self.assertEqual(('lara', 'bruce'), result)
[docs] def test_apply_conversion_map_map(self): """ Ensure all the items in the conversion_map is applied. """ conversion_map = [ ('first', itemgetter(1)), ('last', itemgetter(0)), ] result = apply_conversion_map_map(conversion_map, ['bruce', 'lara']) self.assertEqual({'first': 'lara', 'last': 'bruce'}, result)