Source code for stream_searcher

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import argparse
from functools import partial
import os

from karld import is_py3
from iter_karld_tools import i_batch

if is_py3():
    unicode = str

from karld.loadump import is_file_csv
from karld.loadump import i_get_csv_data
from karld.run_together import csv_file_consumer
from karld.run_together import pool_run_files_to_files
from karld.run_together import serial_run_files_to_files
from karld.run_together import distribute_run_to_runners
from karld.run_together import distribute_multi_run_to_runners
from stream_tap import Bucket
from stream_tap import stream_tap

[docs]def get_fruit(item): """Get things that are fruit. :returns: thing of item if it's a fruit""" if len(item) == 2 and item[1] == u"fruit": return item[0]
[docs]def get_metal(item): """Get things that are metal. :returns: thing of item if it's metal""" if len(item) == 2 and item[1] == u"metal": return item[0]
[docs]def certain_kind_tap(data_items): """ As the stream of data items go by, get different kinds of information from them, in this case, the things that are fruit and metal, collecting each kind with a different spigot. stream_tap doesn't consume the data_items iterator by itself, it's a generator and must be consumed by something else. In this case, it's consuming the items by casting the iterator to a tuple, but doing it in batches. Since each batch is not referenced by anything the memory can be freed by the garbage collector, so no matter the size of the data_items, only a little memory is needed. The only things retained are the results, which should just be a subset of the items and in this case, the getter functions only return a portion of each item it matches. :param data_items: A sequence of unicode strings """ fruit_spigot = Bucket(get_fruit) metal_spigot = Bucket(get_metal) items = stream_tap((fruit_spigot, metal_spigot), data_items) for batch in i_batch(100, items): tuple(batch) return fruit_spigot.contents(), metal_spigot.contents()
[docs]def run(in_dir, pool): """ Run the composition of csv_file_consumer and information tap with the csv files in the input directory, and collect the results from each file and merge them together, printing both kinds of results. """ files_to_files_runner = serial_run_files_to_files if pool: print("multi-processing") files_to_files_runner = pool_run_files_to_files results = files_to_files_runner( partial(csv_file_consumer, certain_kind_tap), in_dir, filter_func=is_file_csv) fruit_results = [] metal_results = [] for fruits, metals in results: for fruit in fruits: fruit_results.append(fruit) for metal in metals: metal_results.append(metal) print("=== fruits ===") for fruit in fruit_results: print(fruit) print("=== metals ===") for metal in metal_results: print(metal)
[docs]def run_distribute(in_path): """ Run the composition of csv_file_consumer and information tap with the csv files in the input directory, and collect the results from each file and merge them together, printing both kinds of results. """ results = distribute_run_to_runners( certain_kind_tap, in_path, reader=i_get_csv_data, batch_size=3) fruit_results = [] metal_results = [] for fruits, metals in results: for fruit in fruits: fruit_results.append(fruit) for metal in metals: metal_results.append(metal) print("=== fruits ===") for fruit in fruit_results: print(fruit) print("=== metals ===") for metal in metal_results: print(metal)
[docs]def run_distribute_multi(in_dir): """ Run the composition of csv_file_consumer and information tap with the csv files in the input directory, and collect the results from each file and merge them together, printing both kinds of results. """ results = distribute_multi_run_to_runners( certain_kind_tap, in_dir, reader=i_get_csv_data, batch_size=3, filter_func=is_file_csv) fruit_results = [] metal_results = [] for fruits, metals in results: for fruit in fruits: fruit_results.append(fruit) for metal in metals: metal_results.append(metal) print("=== fruits ===") for fruit in fruit_results: print(fruit) print("=== metals 䤗 ===") for metal in metal_results: print(metal)
[docs]def main(*args): """ Try it:: python or:: python --pool True or:: python --in-dir test_data/things_kinds or:: python --pool True --in-dir test_data/things_kinds """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(*args) parser.add_argument("--in-dir", default=os.path.join("test_data", "things_kinds"), help="Data source directory") parser.add_argument("--in-file", default=None, help="Data source file") parser.add_argument("--single", help="Use a single process. " "Helpful for debugging") args = parser.parse_args() if args.in_file: print("file") run_distribute(args.in_file) elif args.single: print("single") run(args.in_dir, False) else: print("multi") run_distribute_multi(args.in_dir)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()