Source code for karld.loadump

import codecs
import os
from os import walk
import json

from itertools import chain
from itertools import count

    from itertools import imap
except ImportError:
    imap = map
from itertools import repeat
from itertools import starmap

from functools import partial

from operator import itemgetter

from karld import is_py3
from karld.iter_utils import i_batch
from karld.unicode_io import csv_reader
from karld.unicode_io import get_csv_row_writer

FILE_BUFFER_SIZE = 10485760  # -1  # 419430400

__all__ = ['dump_dicts_to_json_file',

[docs]def ensure_dir(directory): """ If directory doesn't exist, make it. :param directory: path to directory :type directory: str """ if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory)
[docs]def ensure_file_path_dir(file_path): """ Ensure the parent directory of the file path. :param file_path: Path to file. :type file_path: str """ ensure_dir(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(file_path)))
[docs]def i_read_buffered_file(file_name, buffering=FILE_BUFFER_SIZE, binary=True, py3_csv_read=False, encoding='utf-8'): """ Generator of lines of a file name, with buffering for speed. """ kwargs = dict(buffering=buffering, ) if is_py3(): if not binary: kwargs.update(dict(encoding=encoding)) if py3_csv_read: kwargs.update(dict(newline='')) with open(file_name, 'r' + ('b' if binary else 't'), **kwargs) as stream: for line in stream: yield line
i_read_buffered_text_file = partial(i_read_buffered_file, binary=False) i_read_buffered_binary_file = partial(i_read_buffered_file, binary=True) def i_get_unicode_lines(file_name, encoding='utf-8', **kwargs): """ A generator for reading a text file as unicode lines. :param file_name: Path to file. :param encoding: Encoding of the file. :yields: Lines of the file decoded from encoding to unicode. """ buffering = kwargs.get('buffering', FILE_BUFFER_SIZE) read_file_kwargs = dict(buffering=buffering, encoding=encoding) if is_py3(): stream = i_read_buffered_text_file(file_name, **read_file_kwargs) for line in stream: yield line else: stream = i_read_buffered_binary_file(file_name, **read_file_kwargs) for line in codecs.iterdecode(stream, encoding, **kwargs): yield line
[docs]def i_get_csv_data(file_name, *args, **kwargs): """A generator for reading a csv file. """ buffering = kwargs.get('buffering', FILE_BUFFER_SIZE) read_file_kwargs = dict(buffering=buffering) if is_py3(): read_file_kwargs.update(dict(binary=False)) read_file_kwargs.update(dict(py3_csv_read=True)) data = i_read_buffered_file(file_name, **read_file_kwargs) for row in csv_reader(data, *args, **kwargs): yield row
[docs]def write_as_csv(items, file_name, append=False, line_buffer_size=None, buffering=FILE_BUFFER_SIZE, get_csv_row_writer=get_csv_row_writer): """ Writes out items to a csv file in groups. :param items: An iterable collection of collections. :param file_name: path to the output file. :param append: whether to append or overwrite the file. :param line_buffer_size: number of lines to write at a time. :param buffering: number of bytes to buffer files :type buffering: int :param get_csv_row_writer: callable that returns a csv row writer function, customize this for non-default options: `custom_writer = partial(get_csv_row_writer, delimiter="|");` `write_as_csv(items, 'my_out_file', get_csv_row_writer=custom_writer)` """ if line_buffer_size is None: line_buffer_size = LINE_BUFFER_SIZE if append: mode = 'a' else: mode = 'w' kwargs = dict(buffering=buffering) if is_py3(): mode += 't' kwargs.update(dict(newline='')) else: mode += 'b' with open(file_name, mode, **kwargs) as csv_file: write_row = get_csv_row_writer(csv_file) batches = i_batch(line_buffer_size, items) for batch in batches: for row in batch: write_row(row)
[docs]def is_file_csv(file_path_name): """ Is the file a csv file? Identify by extension. :param file_path_name: :type file_path_name: str """ _, file_name = file_path_name return file_name[-4:].lower() == '.csv'
[docs]def dump_dicts_to_json_file(file_name, dicts, buffering=FILE_BUFFER_SIZE): """writes each dictionary in the dicts iterable to a line of the file as json. :param buffering: number of bytes to buffer files :type buffering: int """ with open(file_name, 'w+', buffering=buffering) as json_file: for item in dicts: json_file.write(json.dumps(item) + os.linesep)
[docs]def split_file_output_json(filename, dict_list, out_dir=None, max_lines=1100, buffering=FILE_BUFFER_SIZE): """ Split an iterable of JSON serializable rows of data into groups and write each to a shard. :param buffering: number of bytes to buffer files :type buffering: int """ dirname = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(filename)) if out_dir is None: out_dir = dirname basename = os.path.basename(filename) batches = i_batch(max_lines, dict_list) index = count() for group in batches: dump_dicts_to_json_file( os.path.join(out_dir, "{0}_{1}".format(next(index), basename)), group, buffering=buffering)
[docs]def split_file_output_csv(filename, data, out_dir=None, max_lines=1100, buffering=FILE_BUFFER_SIZE, write_as_csv=write_as_csv): """ Split an iterable of csv serializable rows of data into groups and write each to a csv shard. :param buffering: number of bytes to buffer files :type buffering: int """ batches = i_batch(max_lines, data) dirname = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(filename)) if out_dir is None: out_dir = dirname basename = os.path.basename(filename) index = count() for group in batches: write_as_csv( group, os.path.join(out_dir, "{0}_{1}".format(next(index), basename)), buffering=buffering )
[docs]def split_file_output(name, data, out_dir, max_lines=1100, buffering=FILE_BUFFER_SIZE): """ Split an iterable lines into groups and write each to a shard. :param name: Each shard will use this in it's name. :type name: str :param data: Iterable of data to write. :type data: iter :param out_dir: Path to directory to write the shards. :type out_dir: str :param max_lines: Max number of lines per shard. :type max_lines: int :param buffering: number of bytes to buffer files :type buffering: int """ batches = i_batch(max_lines, data) if is_py3(): join_str = b'' else: join_str = '' index = count() for group in batches: file_path = os.path.join(out_dir, "{0}_{1}".format(next(index), name)) with open(file_path, 'wb', buffering=buffering) as shard_file: shard_file.write(join_str.join(group))
[docs]def raw_line_reader(file_object): return (line for line in file_object)
[docs]def split_file(file_path, out_dir=None, max_lines=200000, buffering=FILE_BUFFER_SIZE, line_reader=raw_line_reader, split_file_writer=split_file_output, read_binary=True): """ Opens then shards the file. :param file_path: Path to the large input file. :type file_path: str :param max_lines: Max number of lines in each shard. :type max_lines: int :param out_dir: Path of directory to put the shards. :type out_dir: str :param buffering: number of bytes to buffer files :type buffering: int """ dir_name = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(file_path)) # Use the name of the file to name the output base_name = os.path.basename(file_path) if out_dir is None: # Default the output directory to the same directory of # input file. out_dir = dir_name else: ensure_dir(out_dir) data_file = i_read_buffered_file(file_path, buffering, binary=read_binary) data = line_reader(data_file) split_file_writer(base_name, data, out_dir, max_lines=max_lines, buffering=buffering)
split_csv_file = partial(split_file, line_reader=csv_reader, split_file_writer=split_file_output_csv, read_binary=True) if is_py3(): split_csv_file = partial(split_file, line_reader=csv_reader, split_file_writer=split_file_output_csv, read_binary=False) split_csv_file.__doc__ = """ Split a large csv file without separating newlines in quotes. Runs slower than split_file. the csv reader and writer use the default dialect. customize this for non-default options: `custom_reader = partial(csv_reader, delimiter="|");` `split_multi_line_csv_file('input_file.csv', line_reader=custom_reader)` Writing the csv data with a non-default dialect requires defining a split_file_writer with a custom write_as_csv with a custom csv row writer factory. ```my_split_file_writer = partial( split_file_output_csv, write_as_csv=partial( write_as_csv, get_csv_row_writer=partial( get_csv_row_writer, delimiter="|")))``` `split_multi_line_csv_file('input_file.csv', split_file_writer=my_split_file_writer)` """ split_multi_line_csv_file = split_csv_file
[docs]def file_path_and_name(path, base_name): """ Join the path and base_name and yield it and the base_name. :param path: Directory path :type path: str :param base_name: File name :type base_name: str :return: `tuple` of file path and file name. """ return os.path.join(path, base_name), base_name
[docs]def identity(*args): return args
[docs]def i_walk_dir_for_paths_names(root_dir): """ Walks a directory yielding the directory of files and names of files. :param root_dir: path to a directory. :type root_dir: str """ return chain.from_iterable( ( imap(identity, repeat(subdir), files) for subdir, files in imap(itemgetter(WALK_SUB_DIR, WALK_FILES), walk(root_dir)) ) )
[docs]def i_walk_dir_for_filepaths_names(root_dir): """ Walks a directory yielding the paths and names of files. :param root_dir: path to a directory. :type root_dir: str """ return starmap(file_path_and_name, i_walk_dir_for_paths_names(root_dir))