Source code for karld.run_together

from collections import deque
from functools import partial

    from itertools import ifilter
    from itertools import imap
except ImportError:
    imap = map
    ifilter = filter

import os

from karld.iter_utils import yield_nth_of

from .loadump import ensure_dir
from .loadump import i_get_csv_data
from .loadump import i_walk_dir_for_filepaths_names
from .loadump import write_as_csv

[docs]def csv_file_consumer(csv_rows_consumer, file_path_name): """ Consume the file at file_path_name as a csv file, passing it through csv_rows_consumer. :param csv_rows_consumer: consumes data_items yielding collection for each :type csv_rows_consumer: callable :param file_path_name: path to input csv file :type file_path_name: str, str """ data_path, data_file_name = file_path_name data_items = i_get_csv_data(data_path) return csv_rows_consumer(data_items)
[docs]def csv_file_to_file(csv_rows_consumer, out_prefix, out_dir, file_path_name): """ Consume the file at file_path_name as a csv file, passing it through csv_rows_consumer, writing the results as a csv file into out_dir as the same name, lowered, and prefixed. :param csv_rows_consumer: consumes data_items yielding collection for each :type csv_rows_consumer: callable :param out_prefix: prefix out_file_name :type out_prefix: str :param out_dir: directory to write output file to :type out_dir: str :param file_path_name: path to input csv file :type file_path_name: str, str """ data_path, data_file_name = file_path_name data_items = i_get_csv_data(data_path) ensure_dir(out_dir) out_filename = os.path.join( out_dir, '{}{}'.format( out_prefix, data_file_name.lower())) write_as_csv(csv_rows_consumer(data_items), out_filename)
[docs]def multi_in_single_out(rows_reader, rows_writer, rows_iter_consumer, out_url, in_urls_func): """ Multi input combiner. :param rows_reader: function to read a file path and returns an iterator :param rows_writer: function to write values :param rows_iter_consumer: function takes iter. of iterators returns iter. :param out_url: url for the rows_writer to write to. :param in_urls_func: function generates iterator of input urls. """ data_items_iter = (rows_reader(data_path) for data_path in in_urls_func()) rows_writer(rows_iter_consumer(data_items_iter), out_url)
[docs]def csv_files_to_file(csv_rows_consumer, out_prefix, out_dir, out_file_name, file_path_names): """ Consume the file at file_path_name as a csv file, passing it through csv_rows_consumer, writing the results as a csv file into out_dir as the same name, lowered, and prefixed. :param csv_rows_consumer: consumes data_items yielding collection for each :param out_prefix: prefix out_file_name :type out_prefix: str :param out_dir: Directory to write output file to. :type out_dir: str :param out_file_name: Output file base name. :type out_file_name: str :param file_path_names: tuple of paths and basenames to input csv files :type file_path_names: str, str """ ensure_dir(out_dir) out_filename = os.path.join( out_dir, '{}{}'.format( out_prefix, out_file_name.lower())) in_urls_func = partial(yield_nth_of, 0, file_path_names) multi_in_single_out(i_get_csv_data, write_as_csv, csv_rows_consumer, out_filename, in_urls_func)
[docs]def pool_run_files_to_files(file_to_file, in_dir, filter_func=None): """ With a multi-process pool, map files in in_dir over file_to_file function. :param file_to_file: callable that takes file paths. :param in_dir: path to process all files from. :param filter_func: Takes a tuple of path and base \ name of a file and returns a bool. :returns: A list of return values from the map. """ from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor results = i_walk_dir_for_filepaths_names(in_dir) if filter_func: results_final = ifilter(filter_func, results) else: results_final = results with ProcessPoolExecutor() as pool: return list(, results_final))
[docs]def serial_run_files_to_files(file_to_file, in_dir, filter_func=None): """ With a map files in in_dir over the file_to_file function. Using this to debug your file_to_file function can make it easier. :param file_to_file: callable that takes file paths. :param in_dir: path to process all files from. :param filter_func: Takes a tuple of path and base \ name of a file and returns a bool. :returns: A list of return values from the map. """ results = i_walk_dir_for_filepaths_names(in_dir) if filter_func: results_final = ifilter(filter_func, results) else: results_final = results return list(map(file_to_file, results_final))